Hairstyling services
The layering service entails washing and conditioning your hair, before straightening the hair to ensure the layers are correct. If your desired wig is curly, it will not be straightened.
There are two types of ways to get your hair layered:
Framing: the back of the wig will be left entirely, focusing on the front of the hair to shape the face. This option is recommended if you would want to use the same hair to create a different styled wig in the future, or do not want to change the look of the hair much.
Layering all over: the entered wig is layered to shape the wig and give a diva-like look when curled. This option is recommended if you do not plan to reuse the hair to achieve another look, since a lot of hair will be cut.
Bob cut: It will be cut into a standard styled bob. Professional clippers will be used to give the hair a blunt, perfect cut.
As customers are not in my presence when the wig is installed, pixie cut wigs will not be taken at this point. As demand for products increases these services will be introduced. If you request a full or side fringe, the bang will be cut at a standard length.